Museum opening hours: Every day 10:00am to 04:00pm closed Christmas Day PH: (08) 9249 9457

Model T Fords Visit Whiteman Park

On Sunday 21 October the Ford Model T Section of the Veteran Car Club of WA held a familiarisation day for owners of Ford T’s and other interested people at Mussel Pool in Whiteman Park. Over 30 Model T’s of various styles attended, including two seat roadsters, tourers, coupes, speedsters, a covered van and a replica of the Ford Model T utility complete with machine gun, as used in the desert during World War One.

With perfect weather it was an excellent day. John McLean took the Motor Museum’s 1912 Ford T roadster to the display representing the Museum and was joined by volunteer Maurice McGregor and Rosemary Earle in their T speedster and T pickup.

Fortunate members of the public were treated to rides in some of the cars and non-technical owners were given many tips on how to drive and maintain their vehicles.

Next year it is hoped to double the numbers as there are many more Model T’s hidden in sheds all over Western Australia.




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